
Let Me Be Your Reason-Ch 4

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darkangel10003's avatar

Literature Text

Let Me Be Your Reason

Chapter 4

With a very loud crash, the doors that led into the Family Therapy room burst open. All the adults who had been conversing with each other, turned around startled at the sudden noise. Timmy Turner ran into the room at full speed, skidding the floors, and barely managing to stop without running into anything. He raised a hand above his head as he bent over trying to catch his breath. After a few seconds he shook his head and straightened up, taking a look around the room since he hadn't been in there for about a year.

He was surprised to find eight pairs of parents staring back at him, but with a uncomfortable cough they quickly resumed their conversations with each other. He sighed a little and scratched the side of his head in confusion. He didn't see his parents but...

"Well if it isn't Timmy Turner..." said a voice behind him.

He turned around to meet the figures of a tall stout man in a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt, and a serious looking woman wearing a black skirt and a ruffled onyx shirt. Both looked exactly opposite of the other except for the fact of the color of their hair, both had bright ruby colored hair that dangled down their backs. The very color that was inherited by their son, Aaron.

"Oh, hey Mr. and Mrs. Colfer" he said with a smile. Aaron's parents were the only parents he actually liked, in return they actually liked him back secretly hoping he could deal with their son's pyromaniac ways. They were about to ask where their son was when the doors burst open a second time and Aaron himself jumped into the room. He tried to land gracefully but instead ended up tripping and falling flat on his face.

The parents looked down at their son with exasperated faces and said together "Hello, Aaron."

Said boy then rolled over on his back with a big grin on his face and replied "What's up?"

But before they could say anything, Dr. Shelley came up to them and said "It's nice to see you all here" he greeted Aaron's parents saying "And it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Colfer. I'm one of the new doctors assigned to Timmy."

He smiled at them both and they smiled back but when the doctor looked away, Mr. Colfer had said to the Mrs. "How long do you think he'll last?" and the reply he got was "Shh!" and a swat at his head. Aaron laughed at his parents actions as he got up from the ground, but Timmy was focused on the doctor.

"I saw a limo out there" Timmy said to him "Is it true that you called my parents personally to come here?"

"Yeah" replied Dr. Shelley with a soft smile "I took to heart our little conversation this morning and saw in your previous records that your parents had rarely come here. So I thought that if I invited them myself that we could work out some of your problems."

Aaron saw the vein in Timmy's head almost pop just in time. He quickly ran over and grabbed him before he was able to pound the doctor. "I don't have problems!!" Timmy yelled.

"Screaming at your doctor? How absurd..."

Timmy immediately stopped what he was doing to look beyond Dr. Shelley and saw the one person he had never wanted to see again. The man stood a tall six foot six inches, short black hair and piercing blue eyes that would make any man feel a jolt down his spine in fear. At the sight of his own father, Timmy's eyes narrowed slightly, staring boldly into the others gaze. He felt Aaron let go of him and then folded his arms across his chest. Others around them shrunk at the sight of Mr. Turner, even Dr. Shelley suddenly found the room temperature drop a good twenty degrees.

"When will you grow up?" Mr. Turner asked his son, his expression completely cold and calculating.

Timmy watched his father, waiting for any change in expression, but when he found none he sighed "It is nice to see you again, Father..."

Behind Mr. Turner, someone cleared their throat, he stepped away and a figure of a small petite woman became visible. She was dressed head to toe in expensive furs, and long flowing black hair cascaded down her back. Her small face was as expressionless as her husband's but without the coldness. She spotted Timmy and said "It's a pleasure to see you...son."

Timmy regarded his mother with a blank stare before replying "The pleasure is all mine...Mother."

To break the somewhat cold feeling in the room, Dr. Shelley exclaimed "Well let's get this started shall we?"

Everyone nodded and allowed the doctor to lead them towards the circle of chairs. You see, the way Family Therapy worked in the Asylum was for all the parents and their children sit down in a circle. Then one at a time, a patient would get the chance to try and talk to the doctor and see if they can figure out what their problem was. When Timmy sat down next to his mother, Aaron plopped down right beside him.

Aaron nudged him saying "You're in for a treat. Most of the patients in here are really insane so they try and pretend they've figured out their problem just so they can get out of here!"

Timmy stared at Aaron's happy face before sighing "As long as we can get out of here as quickly as possible..."

Unfortunately for him, it wasn't...

An hour later they had gone through four of the patients. One girl almost went into a complete rampage about how she just wanted to look as beautiful as the models on TV and then one boy almost escaped through the window but his parents had been able to catch him in time.

Timmy and Aaron groaned for what seemed like the thousandth time as another boy tried to explain his feelings for wanting to be a girl...

"Women have a certain beauty about them that I've always wanted to capture! I want to be told I'm beautiful..."

At that Aaron started quietly laughing to himself, trying to keep it in control. Timmy glared daggers at him but when he whispered something into his ear, they both started snickering uncontrollably.

"Timmy! Aaron! Do you have anything you wish to share with us?!" Dr. Shelley yelled at them.

The boy who had been talking was now close to crying "Why are you laughing at me?!"

"I'm not laughing at you!" Aaron replied "We're laughing at something I remembered from a couple years back..."

"Well if you find everything so funny why don't you tell us what your problem is!" yelled the boy whose name just happened to be Brian(he wanted to change his name to Brianna.)

"I already know what's wrong with me!" Aaron yelled back, but then he stood up and broke out into his biggest smile yet "I'm a pyromaniac pervert mass murderer who likes to blow up things!"

A few long moments of silence passed as everyone digested this information. Timmy, Mr. and Mrs. Colfer just looked at each other and said aloud together "It's true."

An angry sigh was heard, then a dark voice exclaimed "This is ridiculous!!"

Timmy turned around to see his father standing up from his chair, glowering down at the rest "This is all just a bunch of crap" he yelled "The only way to get to these delinquents is discipline!"

Dr. Shelley tried to say something but Mr. Turner had already faced his son and said "Boy, stand up."

Timmy at first, didn't want to do as his father commanded him but thought twice and slowly stood up to meet his father's gaze. "Listen to me now, son, and listen well" he said "You will get this crazy crap out of your system by the time you're eighteen, do you hear me?! That means if you don't, no inheritance, no car, no college funds. You will be completely disowned. Do you understand?"

All Timmy did was stare at his father, whom had never done anything quite like this before. But when his father had repeated his question a second time he replied "Understood."

And with that Mr. Turner briskly walked away from his son, never once looking back. Mrs. Turner followed him as quickly as possible, and didn't even spare Timmy a glance. It was silent for quite a while, nobody wanted to move or speak. Timmy stood in the exact same spot for a few minutes until he finally decided to walk away as well.

Aaron grabbed his arm and tried to say something but when he saw the expression on his friends face, he let go and watched as he walked across the room to Dr. Shelley. The doctor was standing up and was slightly surprised to see the boy walking up to him. Timmy stopped in front of him "You invited them?" he asked.

All the doctor could do was nod. And then Timmy lowered his head and quietly whispered "I hate you..."

Then when the doctor's eyes widened, Timmy stepped around him and walked out of the room. The rest of the parents took that as a permission to leave themselves. As they tussled around, Aaron walked up to the doctor who was staring at the door. He said "If you had any intention of getting Timmy to like failed miserably."

"Where did he go?" Dr. Shelley asked. "It's around lunch time...maybe he's in the cafeteria-"

"He won't be in the cafeteria" Aaron said, interrupting him "He always goes to one person when he's this upset."

"Who? This morning he said his only friend here was you..."

"She isn't really a friend...she's more of a...big sister" and with that Aaron walked past the doctor as well and opened one of the doors.

"Who?" asked Dr. Shelley.

Aaron looked back, an almost fiendish smile displayed on his face "Why, Elena, of course..."


Timmy walked down the halls of the number one scariest wing in the Insane Asylum. The north wing of the Asylum was built for the more...dangerous cases. The doors that lined the walls were all chained up and numerous locks covered the steel doorways. He saw nobody else in the halls, but then again he never saw anyone else in this hall other than maybe one doctor. Everyone else knew of the people who were locked up in there.

He passed numerous doors, when finally he came to the one he had been looking for. Room 666.

The door had been painted black, locks aligned it making sure that only a doctor could get in and out..well...a doctor, and Timmy. He sighed as he knocked on the steel hearing the echo in the silent hall. He placed his ear to the door, and finally heard the surprisingly comforting female voice ask "Who is it?"

"Timmy" he said, and almost smiled when he heard "Come on in, but watch your step!"

Then after he made sure no one was looking, he punched in the ten digit code of one lock, took a pass card he had stolen from a doctor and scanned it, then punched in the other ten digit code and listened as the door began unlocking itself. Soon the door swung open, and the first thing he heard was the blaring heavy metal music. He placed his hands over his ears before walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

The entire small bedroom was painted black. Numerous gothic posters lined the walls, black curtains fell in front of the window, dimming the already darkened room. Even the bed sheets were black even though the pillows were a dark red. He noticed the stereo next to him and quickly turned the sound to mute before his ear drums burst.

"Aww, why did you turn it off?" a dark female voice asked him.

He smiled at that and turned to the woman in front of him that had almost been camouflaged because of her surroundings. Elena truly was an elegant woman. Scary but elegant. Her onyx hair ran down all the way past her knees, her long bangs fell down over one of her dark brown eyes. Her baggy black jeans were dragging by the many chains along her hips, as well as studded black combat boots that made her seem a foot taller than she was. She wore a tight black t-shirt whose sleeves had been ripped off, along with her heavy black and red necklaces dangling on her chest.

"Hey, Timmy. What's up?" she offered him a pale hand, the thin wrist had numerous bracelets on and even in the dim light, he saw the pale scars that ran from her wrists all the way up her arms.

"I went to Family Therapy today..." he said while walking over to the bed.

"Family Therapy?" she asked leaning against a wall "You never go to that stuff since your parents show."

"Well they did this time" he said as he laid down atop the bed covers.

"You're kidding!" she exclaimed unable to believe her ears. Before Timmy could reply they both heard the beeps from outside and soon the door opened to reveal Aaron as he walked in saying "It's true. Both of his parents showed up and completely ruined everything."

"Is that true, Timmy?" she asked, very concerned.

"It's no big deal. All my father said was that if I didn't get my act together than my family would disown me and stuff..." but before he could continue, Elena took it upon herself to walk over and grab Timmy into a strong embrace.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that..." she whispered, silently knowing how much it really did hurt to hear his father say that. Timmy quickly warmed to her embrace and buried his head into her neck. Elena smiled softly but then looked up to find a very annoyed Aaron staring at them.


"Why is it that you're holding MY Timmy so passionately in your arms like that?" he asked.

"Your Timmy?" It was then they decided to hold a glaring contest above Timmy's head. Said boy was getting annoyed himself at the conversation topic.

"He's my little brother!" she yelled at him.

"You're not even related!!" Aaron yelled back pointing at her angrily.

"Well I'm like his older seven-teen year old sister!"

"Well I'm...he's..we're...HE'S MINE!!"

"ENOUGH!!" yelled Timmy. They both stopped in their tracks immediately. "Can we please stop with the whole 'fighting over Timmy' thing! It's getting kinda annoying!"

"Of course, Timmy" Elena said but decided to annoy Aaron some more for the heck of it and bent down so she could softly kiss one of his cheeks. While Timmy was confused at why she kissed him, Aaron blew up.


"It was just a kiss on the cheek you pervert!" she yelled back.

"Hmph, whatever" said Aaron leaning back on a wall.

With a sigh Elena got up from the bed and over to her closet. She opened it and threw something at Aaron, which he caught.

"Forgive me?" she asked sweetly.

"Sweet!" was all he could say. Timmy noticed what she had thrown him and shook his head. She had thrown him a pack of very flammable matches. Something very dangerous in the hands of his pyromaniac best friend. She took out a package of cigarettes for herself and lit one.

While she blew out a puff of smoke Timmy wondered aloud "I wonder what the doctors would say if they knew what all you had in here."

"Doesn't matter" she said point blank "They're all too afraid to come search my room in fear of what they might find."

"Hey do you have a knife I can borrow?" Aaron asked as he inhaled the almost sweet scent of her smoke. If it wasn't for the worry of Timmy's health, he probably would've started smoking a long time ago.

"Depends" she replied "How big?"

"Nothing special..."

She kicked open the very bottom of her drawer and inside laid so many razor sharp knives that you wouldn't have believed it even after you saw it. He walked over and picked out a small and deadly one and wrapped it up then placed it under his shirt tucked neatly somewhat in his jeans. He looked at Timmy who was eyeing him questioningly.

"It's not for anything dangerous. I just need to fix a leak in my bathroom..."

"With a knife?" Timmy asked.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders to the question but soon after they all heard a knock from the other side. Elena walked over to the door and asked "Who is it?"

They all heard "It's Timmy's nurse, I thought he might be with you. Is he?"

She looked at Timmy and saw him nod, so she quickly opened the door and said "Yeah he's here."

While Timmy walked out oof the room, Elena blew out another draft of smoke causing the nurse to cough a little "Elena! What have we told you about smoking?"

With complete disregard Elena threw down the cigarette butt and squashed it down with the heel of her boot and said "To not to."

And before the nurse could protest all three patients were out and walking down the hallway. She followed after them hoping to catch up with Timmy. When they walked out of the north wing and into the lobby they heard a cheerful voice say "And here is our lobby. This is where some of our patients can 'hang out' if they decide to before their therapy's."

They walked in to see the Head Chief of the Dimmsdale Asylum, Miss Sonya Graves. A powerful woman to say the least. A scary one too. She was taller than most and a figure that could've put most models to shame if she actually cared. Short dark plum colored hair swirled around her landing softly on her shoulders. She always wore a black suit to match her almost black colored stern eyes.

When Aaron asked the nurse what she was doing, she replied "She's showing some new parents around the Asylum. Their wondering whether or not they should invest or not."

It didn't help that at that moment Aaron's smile grew evil but they walked up to them anyway. They heard her saying "This Asylum has been in Dimmsdale ever since it was founded. So there's tons of history in this place..."

Aaron couldn't help but say "Haha translated : Old. As. Shit."

The parents were surprised, the nurse flabbergasted, Timmy and Elena were laughing their butts off but Miss Graves just looked angry. She turned around and gave Aaron her most fierce glare that she could conjure up. She was carrying a small plastic portable stapler in her hand that was about to be crushed. But she turned back around and put on a fake smile and said calmly "We've been rejuvenating and refurbishing..."

And Aaron said plainly "Polish a turd, it's still a turd..."

That was it for Miss Graves. "AARON!!" she clutched her small plastic stapler and turned around while throwing the stapler full force at him. Aaron blinked a little too late before the stapler hit him square in the forehead, knocking him two feet back on the floor. Elena burst into fits of laughter while Timmy suddenly became concerned about Aaron's well being as he laid on the floor.

Miss Graves walked away fuming, dragging along the confused parents with her, none concerned about the boy's health as since she had decided from day one that she was gonna kill him with a stapler anyway.


A few minutes later, the nurse said to Timmy "The reason why I wanted to find you was that some of the doctors are trying out a new Relaxation Therapy on some of their patients to see if it helped them sleep any better. Would you be willingly to try it?"

Aaron and Elena looked at Timmy as he asked "Does it work?"

"Does it work?" she asked with a smile "Of course it does! Just look at Joe!"

They all turned around to see a small teenage boy, twitching uncontrollably his arms going everywhere he exclaimed "What are looking at? Don't go in there! Don't close your eyes! Don't look away! If they inject you with their needles you'll fall asleep and never wake up!" He then proceeded to start crying madly and had to be pulled away by a few man nurses.

While listening to his echoed cries Timmy bluntly said "Well, now I'm convinced..."

"Okay, bad example..." the nurse said "But how about..."

"Look..." said Timmy "I'm not really hungry right now so instead of going to lunch. I'm gonna head off to Aaron's room to catch a few more hours of sleep okay?"

The nurse was about to complain but she said nothing and nodded "Then I'll see you later before bedtime."

When she walked away, Elena told them "Well you may not be hungry but I am...I'll see you guys later." She waved and quickly followed after the nurse.

"Come on" said Aaron "Let's get back up to my room."


When they arrived at Aaron's room, Timmy couldn't fight back a yawn. His friend chuckled and said "Go ahead and lie down. I'll watch over you."

Timmy sat down on the bed, and leaned against the mountain of pillows. His eyes grew heavy but the more he tried to fight it, the heavier they felt. And when Aaron decided to join him in the bed and stroked his hair lightly, he couldn't help but fall into his dreamless sleep...


A few hours later, the sun was setting outside. Timmy was still sleeping soundly but was awakened by a gentle nudged from Aaron. "Wake up sleepy head..." he said.

Timmy smelled food and his stomach grumbled in approval, so he opened his eyes to find a tray of hot soup and warm bread and butter. "I brought it up while you were sleeping" he heard Aaron say "I knew you would be hungry but you might wanna eat fast before light's out in thirty minutes."

Timmy nodded and thanked him for his generous offer. He ate quickly, eating all of what was on his tray and got up just about fifteen minutes before light's out. Darkness was already starting to settle outside.

"You might as well go. I'll see you tomorrow" said Aaron giving him a brief hug "And don't worry about what happened today."

"Yeah, see ya" Timmy said, smiling and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He walked to his door two feet away and opened it with a sigh, not knowing that three pairs of eyes were watching him.

He climbed intoo his own bed and grabbed one of his blank sheets of paper and began doodling just for the heck of it. Soon though he heard the alarms and saw his door open to reveal his nurse. She smiled at him doodling and walked over.

"I heard about what happened at Family Therapy..." she said not sure of what she was thinking.


"I'm sure it's not as bad as you think..."

"What that my father hates me and thinks something wrong with me?" he asked but then said "Nothing is wrong with me..."

"Maybe..." the nurse said with understanding, Timmy's head shot up at that and listened as she said "I think I understand now that sometimes the problems of a person might not lie within the person himself but the people around him."


"Just a guess I suppose" she said with a smile. She walked back over to the door and opened it but before she walked out she grabbed something out of her bag. She pulled out a lucky eight ball. "I found this in one of the hallways" she said "These are suppose to be able to bring some luck to the owner, bringing a little bit of magic into their lives...maybe you ought to try it..."

With that she threw it at Timmy who cautiously caught it and looked up to see that the nurse was already gone and the door already closed. He sighed a little and twirled the ball i his hands.

"Luck? Magic?" he asked aloud. He didn't believe in such things...did he?

"Alright...will I ever get out of here?" he asked while shaking the ball, he looked down at the little screen and was angered when he saw "Ask again later."

He waited about five seconds and then shook it again repeating the same question. He almost yelled when it said "More than likely, no."

"Well that sucks!" he yelled and threw it across the room, hitting it against the opposite wall. He groaned a little but then saw that the ball had a crack in it. "Great" he complained "I'm probably gonna have to fix that..."

He threw off the bedsheets and got up from his bed to walk over to the ball. But as he walked over he noticed the crack getting bigger and bigger and some sort of purple smoke rising out of it. 'What the...?' he thought as he approached it. He picked it carefully but then the thing exploded in his hands and he jumped back surprised.

The ball was gone, the smoke was gone and in it's place...

He blinked a couple of times and shook his head to make sure he was seeing things right it's place was a strange green man and a pink haired woman floating off the floor, wearing crowns and wings, holding wands, smiling like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm Cosmo!" said the man.

"And I'm Wanda!" said the woman.

Then together they said "And we're...Your Fairy Godparents!!"

And the only thing that was running through Timmy's head was 'What the hell?'
Woot! I finally updated!:w00t:

*sigh* sorry if it took long to get up...I GET SO DISTRACTED SO EASILY!!! I mean seriously I had to unplug my internet in order to finish it!><

Somethings wrong with me:XD:

Well now I hope you like it, Wanda and Cosmo make their first appearance! And Timmy doesnt know what the hell is going on:love:

Ch 1-[link]
Ch 2-[link]
Ch 3-[link]
Ch 4-here
Ch 5-[link]
© 2008 - 2024 darkangel10003
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Darkbutterfly123's avatar
I Luv the Jeff Dunham/Peanut quotes! They rock!